Type At Home Scam Reports – TypeAtHome.com Scam

TypeAtHome.com is supposed to be a type at home company that offers various type at home jobs but after some simple research it seems like they are a scam. Type at home jobs can be a great way to supliment your income if it is done right and if the company is legitimate. One big problem with most type at home jobs is that they are grouped into a high rist scam zone. See our full list of legitimate online jobs.

Many of the type at home companies are out to scam people. They provide crappy instructions, useless information and lead you nowhere. So, if TypeAtHome.com is as legitimate as they say they are then lets see if they can pass my research test.

Type At Home Scam Reports – TypeAtHome.com Scam
TypeAtHome.com Scam Report – Research and Analysis

My first impressions of the typeathome.com website were not very good at all. One of the biggest red flags I find on most scam sites is ads and typeathome.com has them strategically placed and formatted to look like a clickable link to another page. For each click those ads get typeathome.com is going to make money. Why would a legitimate job site want you to click away and go somewhere else? It just doesn’t make sense

Research And Analysis
TypeAtHome.com Scam Report 

Upon further research I found many people complaining about typeathome.com. Mainly, people were unable to sign back in after they signed up. One person said “ I signed up, and paid my “membership fee” and had direct access to their Instructions page. After signing out and returning a few days later, I could not access the members page.” He tried contacting them but didn’t get a response. Basically, he is stuck with the $60.00 charge and has nothing to show for it.

Many other people have complained about the lack of support by typeathome.com. Most type at home companies provide an email address to contact them. It is normal to do this with online jobs but when a company like typeathome.com doesn’t respond to the emails then that is a big problem.

Type At Home Scam Reports – TypeAtHome.com Scam
Final Say – Don’t Join TypeAtHome.com

Type at home programs are supposed to be a way for people to earn extra money from home. TypeAtHome.com doesn’t do this and in the process takes your money. Stay clear of typeathome.com and avoid being scammed. Report a scam to the Work From Home Jobs Scam List.

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