The Best Free Blogging Sites – The Best Blogging Sites To Make Money

Over the years I have used many different blogging sites to make money. I have generated thousands of dollars with some and pennies with others. The most important thing about your blog is the content but having a good blogging site to work with really does help your readers.

When you are first starting out it is a good idea to try out a few different blogging sites. You want to get to see what each offers and which one is easiest for your skill level. Below is a short list of the best free blogging sites I use and make money with.

Note: Blogging is a great way to make money online but, just creating a blog with no monetization (promotion, ad,product to sell) you don’t have a way to make money. If your a member of any of the data entry programs found on the legitimate online jobs section then blogging is a great way to add to them. Contact me if you want more information

The Best Free Blogging Sites
The Best Blogging Sites To Make Money

Squidoo is one of the best free blogging sites that allows you to create blogs on a wide variety of topics. They offer many modules that allow you to insert cool features and make your blog look more professional. They allow for limited html within your posts and pay you a percentage of the ad revenue your blog earns. Squidoo has many themes you can choose from and as you use the features they offer, Squidoo unlocks more for you.

How To Create A Squidoo Lens

Blogger is probably the most popular of the free blogging sites. They are owned by Google and offer a very easy to use platform. They allow you to add some html and offer “gadgets” that allow you to insert more interactive content. Because Google owns blogger you can ad adsense to your blog very easily.

How To Create A Blogger Blog is another one of the best blogging sites around. Many free blogging sites limit you to what you can do and although does limit you, they allow you to a lot more leeway then the others. You have many themes to choose from, you can add plugins for just about anything and you can make your blog look like a website. Html can be used in most instances and adsense can be added to your blog.

How To Create A WordPress Blog

The Best Free Blogging Sites – The Best Blogging Sites To Make Money
Programs To Make Money BloggingDepending on your use for your blog will also determine which platform you use. If your trying to make money online like most of us are here then these three are the best. Below are some of the best programs to make money blogging and if you join any of the programs from lucky7income you will get our full support and training site access free.

Best Programs To Make Money Blogging
Web Colleagues- They will teach you how to create successful blogs and articles and show you how to make money with them
Profit Article – Very much like Web Colleagues and will also teach you the ins and outs of blogging to make money online.
My-Data-Team – Largest data entry program featuring Global Data Entry which allows you to make money through blog posts

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